Experiment in vulnerability

I want to cry. I really a want to have a deep sob. I just don’t know what to cry about. I’m fucking broke. I know what I want in life but I am so stuck in my ways. Procrastination has set up camp inside my daily routine.

The crazy thing is, I am fine.

Maybe that isn’t so crazy. Perhaps that is why I continue with bad habits and procrastination. I can get by. It’s comfort in a situation that could be so much better. It’s almost funny. Maybe I’ll have tears of laughter instead of the sad cry I wanted.

My ex took my favorite self-help book. I can’t tell who is the stingier person in this situation. Her for taking my book or myself for being upset about it. She probably really needed it. The book could be my own crutch. I’ve already read it. I know what I need to do to help myself yet I want my book for direction. I could just take the steps without the book. I literally know what I need to do.

Lol. I know reading this has been a mess of boring madness.

Do YOU fancy a cry? You are not alone. We’re all trying to figure this life thing out. Reach out. You have more allies than you might initially think.


Everyone has a vision. Everyone has a place in their mind that they vacation to. It’s a getaway from their everyday life. Maybe it’s an improved way of living. Maybe it’s something you want for yourself in the near future. Maybe you’re thinking more long term. Everybody has a vision though.

I too have a vision. Check it out.

I see myself performing, producing, and journaling music. I’m doing it. Music is giving me a life that I love. I’m traveling cross country. I’m traveling out of the country. I’m getting out there and playing rock and roll. I’m making connections. At the end of the day, I am living. There are good days and there are bad. Mostly, there are great days.

Who can say whether it is possible or not? There is indeed a possibility. This is why I welcome 2018 with great enthusiasm! I hope that your visions become full fledged, in your face, really real realities.

Good luck and Happy New Year!