Wow! How are you?

Here I am. Returning to blog yet again.

Well here we go. I’m feverishly focused on improving my financial health. I haven’t been to the gym in days. I write a song about every other week or so. I also play in Big Spill about every other week. I think a lot about my circle of friends. I think about my future, where I need to be, and what I’m going to do. There is a whole lot of “what if’s” inside my head. I want to buy a car. I want a bigger amp. I want to make an album.

There it is. A nice solid word vomit. Gross. Typing it felt gross but also slightly therapeutic.

Any activities you recommend for me this week?

New week. New month!

So here I am, on my couch, completely at a lack of understanding of where (or when) I am on time. The reason I felt like blogging is on account of my loss of control of time. I’m trying to regain it. It’s the beginning of the month but it already feels hectic. I theorize that by journaling, I’ll be able to see my days from a “birds eye view” of sorts and start to regain control. I think this feeling is also brought about because I feel that I need more money. My daughters birthday is coming. Increased rent is coming. Christmas is coming. That monthly child support as well as my other living fares and expenses are all coming. I have to leverage my money to time ratio.


I’d rather just do it and let whatever happens to happen. I know it’ll all work out. I wonder where I learned to worry about these things. Worry won’t help me a bit and I know it.

Pure power from myself will bring me to better spirits. Strength. I’m the best coach that I have but need to change out my routine.

Happy December!

I’m just a man.

Don’t know what’s up with the title but I’m doing what I want. If I wanted today’s entry to be absurdly short, I could do that. Who could stop me? I have no rules for blogging. I’m just a man with a blog at my hands.

Anyways, I’m stressed out over getting my headlight fixed. I tried to do it myself but I ran out of time and had to go to work. Perhaps, if I had better tools, I could have finished in time. Since then, I’ve been working mornings and I tried to take it to a shop today but they couldn’t get to me and my truck. I’ll try again tomorrow night.

Oh wait. I have band practice tomorrow night. Speaking of, I came up with a new riff today. I can’t wait to unveil it. Playing guitar is so therapeutic for me. It’s not like I’m some virtuoso. I’m not terribly bad, I’m just not overwhelmingly… good. This is almost by design though. I personally like guitars that sound like the whole band may go up in flames at any moment. It’s like a roller coaster jolting and jerking you around except you’re only listening to music.

I’ve been craving a good album to listen to that has that distorted guitar, rhythm and booze, punk, 90s aggressive vocal thing. None of that Ramones sounding vocals thing. I love the Ramones but that is their thing. It’s all been done but leave that style of singing to the Ramones.

I think I’m craving my own music.

I have it marked down in my to do list that I need to journal. Pair that with the fear that someone living with you will pillage through your notebook, and there you have it. That’s a heaping amount of conflicted and fearful unproductive-ness. Is that a toxic trait? Am I in a toxic environment?

I’m in a new band here in Savannah that goes by the name of Big Spill. We are doing well but I think things can improve with time. I’m referring to, playing more shows, designing a song writing system, and establishing a presence online. It’s all happening with time, but it’s got to be wanted and desired. I can’t complain too much.

What’s something you’re dealing with these days? How are you?

Howdy from planet Paul

Well, here I am again on WP. Posting on insta has been going well, but I can’t help but feel that I’m still pussy-footing around. With that said, my personal challenge is to significantly reduce my insta consumption.

I can stay on Instagram all day, and I do! The problem is it’s getting me no closer to my goals of becoming a successful musician. It’s a tool that can help me get there but it takes practice, discipline and a clear focus that I can’t seem to pull together. When treated with respect, it’s the perfect platform. Eh… maybe.

A few of my past weekly challenges have been:

•Post to WordPress daily

•Exercise daily

•No complaining

•No tv

•Write out goals.

There were more but I’m just going off my train of thought. This weeks challenges will be to cut insta use and write a song daily.

That’s all I have for tonight. Sleep tight, folks!

Helloooo WordPress!!

Wow. It’s been a while. I’ve been sheepishly poking around at Instagram for all of my blogging/story needs. I’ve been embracing and prioritizing happiness and self care. I’ve been playing guitar pretty often and I make it to the gym frequently.

I’d like to be super transparent on insta but I’ve found something I’d rather not talk about there. Money. I’ve been working pretty hard lately and it shows in my take home pocket. Getting my finances in order has been a goal of mine for a long time now. My goal is to pay off my credit card and ultimately put $3000 into savings.

It is now the first week of June. I’ve worked my ass off today and brought home $200. The schedule has me down for work everyday. I’ve decided that my goal is to bring home $1000 by the end of the week.

My reward is my freedom. Freedom to breath a little easier when it comes to debt. Freedom to move if I have to. The ability to pay for any thing that can arise.

Do you have any tips regarding finances? How often do you talk money in public?

Update from the people’s Rock and Roller.

This week has been a marathon. I’ve worked my ass off, got my truck out of the shop, made it to practice, and played El Rocko. Now I get to enjoy a weekend with my kid. We’re having a tour de playground and plan to top the night off with pizza.

I’m sorry I missed two days in a row but it has been hectic and very tiresome. Both nights ended with me falling asleep before actually making it to bed.

I am getting aligned with the reality I want. The steps I’m taking are small but they are still steps forward. I am working on a lean and clean body. I’m working on my songs. Most importantly, I’m working on my happiness. You get whatever it is that you accept. That is the mantra for now and throughout the month of May. I’m looking forward to a very transformative month.

Help! I feel fine…

Yeah actually. I’m tired tonight but I feel fine. I’m ready to get some bed. The day has been had. I worked hard, got home, took a nap and went to band practice. If you’re keeping track, our show is this Friday!

I’m glad I practiced the set list on my own because it is so easy to get rusty on guitar. Especially if you don’t play for several days. Playing everyday is highly recommended and always rewarding. Captain will be filling in on bass and we sounded good together. I think our show will go well.

Dude, where’s my car?!?!?

I’m beyond ready to get my car back. I’m past the sticker shock of the cost of repairs. I’m ready to get my car back and go about my life. Then I have to upgrade. I’m just ready for it.

I think about Gretsch guitars, SGs and lap steel lately. Im really stretched thin this week but I’m ready to work on my tunes! Whether I’m playing as Worthless Flex, The 000s, or as Paul Martel. I’m ready to rock!


I am down for the count. Time to go to bed and I am beat. My double wasn’t as chaotic as I thought it was going to be, but my ankle is sore, I’m a little hungry and I am plenty tired. I’ve made four bike rides today between home and work. Right around lunchtime, I stopped in Sly’s for a slider. Falafel and some fries. Next time I’m heading to Al-Saalam’s Deli. I also got to eat at work so I saved that for dinner. Working a double earns you a free meal.

As I sit in bed, I feel my legs melt under the blankets. I have to go back into work early. I’ve exhausted my food at home. There are no words to say how ready I am to have my car back. I’m going to grocery shop and eat so many things I’ve been craving. I don’t really eat out anymore so I’ve gotten used to having food at home. What a luxury it is to be able to jump in the car and grab whatever you want to eat.

I’ll be ready to crush it tomorrow. Goodnight, baby.

I’m locked in.

Here I am settling into bed and getting ready for the oncoming week. I’m bracing myself for all the work and band practices ahead. Our biggest and most important show is this Friday. I’ll be ready. I’m getting ready. I’m going to run through the set list everyday until then and we will potentially practice twice before the show.

I work a double tomorrow, and then one shift everyday this week. I need the money for my truck as well as the rent that’s due pretty soon. Yowza.

I need to get out of the house more. I want the hunger. I want to enjoy the hustle. I want to have laser like focus. I want to be hungry again with the balls to FIGHT for my dreams. I want to wake up with intensity and my mind set on domination. Rock and Roll domination. I have an idea for another project. The 000s. That’s the band name. I see rock and roll, country, and punk all mixed. Like rockabilly but we’ll see.

I’m not going to look for members. It’s just going to be myself and after a couple shows, I’ll announce that I’d like to grow the band.

Goodnight, baby.